Collects agent & system information useful for bug reporting
cilium-bugtool [OPTIONS] [flags]
# Collect information and create archive file
$ cilium-bugtool
# Collect and retrieve archive if Cilium is running in a Kubernetes pod
$ kubectl get pods --namespace kube-system
cilium-kg8lv 1/1 Running 0 13m
$ kubectl -n kube-system exec cilium-kg8lv -- cilium-bugtool
$ kubectl cp kube-system/cilium-kg8lv:/tmp/cilium-bugtool-243785589.tar /tmp/cilium-bugtool-243785589.tar
--archive Create archive when false skips deletion of the output directory (default true)
--archive-prefix string String to prefix to name of archive if created (e.g., with cilium pod-name)
-o, --archiveType string Archive type: tar | gz (default "tar")
--cilium-agent-container-name string Name of the Cilium Agent main container (when k8s-mode is true) (default "cilium-agent")
--config string Configuration to decide what should be run (default "./.cilium-bugtool.config")
--dry-run Create configuration file of all commands that would have been executed
--enable-markdown Dump output of commands in markdown format
--envoy-dump When set, dump envoy configuration from unix socket (default true)
--envoy-metrics When set, dump envoy prometheus metrics from unix socket (default true)
--exclude-object-files Exclude per-endpoint object files. Template object files will be kept
--exec-timeout duration The default timeout for any cmd execution in seconds (default 30s)
--get-pprof When set, only gets the pprof traces from the cilium-agent binary
-h, --help help for cilium-bugtool
-H, --host string URI to server-side API
--hubble-metrics When set, hubble prometheus metrics (default true)
--hubble-metrics-port int Port to query for hubble metrics (default 9965)
--k8s-label string Kubernetes label for Cilium pod (default "k8s-app=cilium")
--k8s-mode Require Kubernetes pods to be found or fail
--k8s-namespace string Kubernetes namespace for Cilium pod (default "kube-system")
--parallel-workers int Maximum number of parallel worker tasks, use 0 for number of CPUs
--pprof-debug int Debug pprof args (default 1)
--pprof-port int Pprof port to connect to. Known Cilium component ports are agent:6060, operator:6061, apiserver:6063 (default 6060)
--pprof-trace-seconds int Amount of seconds used for pprof CPU traces (default 180)
-t, --tmp string Path to store extracted files. Use '-' to send to stdout. (default "/tmp")
cilium-bugtool completion - Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell