Migrating a cluster to Cilium
Cilium can be used to migrate from another cni. Running clusters can be migrated on a node-by-node basis, without disrupting existing traffic or requiring a complete cluster outage or rebuild depending on the complexity of the migration case.
This document outlines how migrations with Cilium work. You will have a good understanding of the basic requirements, as well as see an example migration which you can practice using Kind.
When the kubelet creates a Pod’s Sandbox, the installed CNI, as configured in /etc/cni/net.d/
is called. The cni will handle the networking for a pod - including allocating
an ip address, creating & configuring a network interface, and (potentially)
establishing an overlay network. The Pod’s network configuration shares the
same life cycle as the PodSandbox.
In the case of migration, we typically reconfigure /etc/cni/net.d/
to point
to Cilium. However, any existing pods will still have been configured by the old
network plugin and any new pods will be configured by the newer CNI. To complete
the migration all Pods on the cluster that are configured by the old cni must be
recycled in order to be a member of the new CNI.
A naive approach to migrating a CNI would be to reconfigure all nodes with a new CNI and then gradually restart each node in the cluster, thus replacing the CNI when the node is brought back up and ensuring that all pods are part of the new CNI.
This simple migration, while effective, comes at the cost of disrupting cluster connectivity during the rollout. Unmigrated and migrated nodes would be split in to two “islands” of connectivity, and pods would be randomly unable to reach one-another until the migration is complete.
Migration via dual overlays
Instead, Cilium supports a hybrid mode, where two separate overlays are established across the cluster. While pods on a given node can only be attached to one network, they have access to both Cilium and non-Cilium pods while the migration is taking place. As long as Cilium and the existing networking provider use a separate IP range, the Linux routing table takes care of separating traffic.
In this document we will discuss a model for live migrating between two deployed CNI implementations. This will have the benefit of reducing downtime of nodes and workloads and ensuring that workloads on both configured CNIs can communicate during migration.
For live migration to work, Cilium will be installed with a separate CIDR range and encapsulation port than that of the currently installed CNI. As long as Cilium and the existing CNI use a separate IP range, the Linux routing table takes care of separating traffic.
Live migration requires the following:
A new, distinct Cluster CIDR for Cilium to use
Use of the Cluster Pool IPAM mode
A distinct overlay, either protocol or port
An existing network plugin that uses the Linux routing stack, such as Flannel, Calico, or AWS-CNI
Currently, Cilium migration has not been tested with:
BGP-based routing
Changing IP families (e.g. from IPv4 to IPv6)
Migrating from Cilium in chained mode
An existing NetworkPolicy provider
During migration, Cilium’s NetworkPolicy and CiliumNetworkPolicy enforcement will be disabled. Otherwise, traffic from non-Cilium pods may be incorrectly dropped. Once the migration process is complete, policy enforcement can be re-enabled. If there is an existing NetworkPolicy provider, you may wish to temporarily delete all NetworkPolicies before proceeding.
It is strongly recommended to install Cilium using the cluster-pool IPAM allocator. This provides the strongest assurance that there will be no IP collisions.
Migration is highly dependent on the exact configuration of existing clusters. It is, thus, strongly recommended to perform a trial migration on a test or lab cluster.
The migration process utilizes the per-node configuration feature to selectively enable Cilium CNI. This allows for a controlled rollout of Cilium without disrupting existing workloads.
Cilium will be installed, first, in a mode where it establishes an overlay but does not provide CNI networking for any pods. Then, individual nodes will be migrated.
In summary, the process looks like:
Install cilium in “secondary” mode
Cordon, drain, migrate, and reboot each node
Remove the existing network provider
(Optional) Reboot each node again
Migration procedure
Optional: Create a Kind cluster and install Flannel on it.
$ cat <<EOF > kind-config.yaml apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4 kind: Cluster nodes: - role: control-plane - role: worker - role: worker networking: disableDefaultCNI: true EOF $ kind create cluster --config=kind-config.yaml $ kubectl apply -n kube-system --server-side -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cilium/cilium/1.16.5/examples/misc/migration/install-reference-cni-plugins.yaml $ kubectl apply --server-side -f https://github.com/flannel-io/flannel/releases/latest/download/kube-flannel.yml $ kubectl wait --for=condition=Ready nodes --all
Optional: Monitor connectivity.
You may wish to install a tool such as goldpinger to detect any possible connectivity issues.
Select a new CIDR for pods. It must be distinct from all other CIDRs in use.
For Kind clusters, the default is
. So, for this example, we will use10.245.0.0/16
.Select a distinct encapsulation port. For example, if the existing cluster is using VXLAN, then you should either use GENEVE or configure Cilium to use VXLAN with a different port.
For this example, we will use VXLAN with a non-default port of 8473.
Create a helm
file based on the following example. Be sure to fill in the CIDR you selected in step 1.operator: unmanagedPodWatcher: restart: false # Migration: Don't restart unmigrated pods routingMode: tunnel # Migration: Optional: default is tunneling, configure as needed tunnelProtocol: vxlan # Migration: Optional: default is VXLAN, configure as needed tunnelPort: 8473 # Migration: Optional, change only if both networks use the same port by default cni: customConf: true # Migration: Don't install a CNI configuration file uninstall: false # Migration: Don't remove CNI configuration on shutdown ipam: mode: "cluster-pool" operator: clusterPoolIPv4PodCIDRList: [""] # Migration: Ensure this is distinct and unused policyEnforcementMode: "never" # Migration: Disable policy enforcement bpf: hostLegacyRouting: true # Migration: Allow for routing between Cilium and the existing overlay
Configure any additional Cilium Helm values.
Cilium supports a number of Helm configuration options. You may choose to auto-detect typical ones using the cilium-cli. This will consume the template and auto-detect any other relevant Helm values. Review these values for your particular installation.
$ cilium install --version 1.16.5 --values values-migration.yaml --dry-run-helm-values > values-initial.yaml $ cat values-initial.yaml
Install cilium using helm.
$ helm repo add cilium https://helm.cilium.io/ $ helm install cilium cilium/cilium --namespace kube-system --values values-initial.yaml
At this point, you should have a cluster with Cilium installed and an overlay established, but no pods managed by Cilium itself. You can verify this with the
command.$ cilium status --wait ... Cluster Pods: 0/3 managed by Cilium
Create a per-node config that will instruct Cilium to “take over” CNI networking on the node. Initially, this will apply to no nodes; you will roll it out gradually via the migration process.
cat <<EOF | kubectl apply --server-side -f - apiVersion: cilium.io/v2 kind: CiliumNodeConfig metadata: namespace: kube-system name: cilium-default spec: nodeSelector: matchLabels: io.cilium.migration/cilium-default: "true" defaults: write-cni-conf-when-ready: /host/etc/cni/net.d/05-cilium.conflist custom-cni-conf: "false" cni-chaining-mode: "none" cni-exclusive: "true" EOF
At this point, you are ready to begin the migration process. The basic flow is:
Select a node to be migrated. It is not recommended to start with a control-plane node.
$ NODE="kind-worker" # for the Kind example
Cordon and, optionally, drain the node in question.
$ kubectl cordon $NODE $ kubectl drain --ignore-daemonsets $NODE
Draining is not strictly required, but it is recommended. Otherwise pods will encounter a brief interruption while the node is rebooted.
Label the node. This causes the
to apply to this node.$ kubectl label node $NODE --overwrite "io.cilium.migration/cilium-default=true"
Restart Cilium. This will cause it to write its CNI configuration file.
$ kubectl -n kube-system delete pod --field-selector spec.nodeName=$NODE -l k8s-app=cilium $ kubectl -n kube-system rollout status ds/cilium -w
Reboot the node.
If using kind, do so with docker:
docker restart $NODE
Validate that the node has been successfully migrated.
$ cilium status --wait $ kubectl get -o wide node $NODE $ kubectl -n kube-system run --attach --rm --restart=Never verify-network \ --overrides='{"spec": {"nodeName": "'$NODE'", "tolerations": [{"operator": "Exists"}]}}' \ --image ghcr.io/nicolaka/netshoot:v0.8 -- /bin/bash -c 'ip -br addr && curl -s -k https://$KUBERNETES_SERVICE_HOST/healthz && echo'
Ensure the IP address of the pod is in the Cilium CIDR(s) supplied above and that the apiserver is reachable.
Uncordon the node.
$ kubectl uncordon $NODE
Once you are satisfied everything has been migrated successfully, select another unmigrated node in the cluster and repeat these steps.
Perform these steps once the cluster is fully migrated.
Ensure Cilium is healthy and that all pods have been migrated:
$ cilium status
Update the Cilium configuration:
Cilium should be the primary CNI
NetworkPolicy should be enforced
The Operator can restart unmanaged pods
Optional: use eBPF Host-Routing. Enabling this will cause a short connectivity interruption on each node as the daemon restarts, but improves networking performance.
You can do this manually, or via the
tool (this will not apply changes to the cluster):$ cilium install --version 1.16.5 --values values-initial.yaml --dry-run-helm-values --set operator.unmanagedPodWatcher.restart=true --set cni.customConf=false --set policyEnforcementMode=default --set bpf.hostLegacyRouting=false > values-final.yaml # optional, can cause brief interruptions $ diff values-initial.yaml values-final.yaml
Then, apply the changes to the cluster:
$ helm upgrade --namespace kube-system cilium cilium/cilium --values values-final.yaml $ kubectl -n kube-system rollout restart daemonset cilium $ cilium status --wait
Delete the per-node configuration:
$ kubectl delete -n kube-system ciliumnodeconfig cilium-default
Delete the previous network plugin.
At this point, all pods should be using Cilium for networking. You can easily verify this with
cilium status
. It is now safe to delete the previous network plugin from the cluster.Most network plugins leave behind some resources, e.g. iptables rules and interfaces. These will be cleaned up when the node next reboots. If desired, you may perform a rolling reboot again.