cilium-dbg troubleshoot clustermesh

Troubleshoot connectivity towards remote clusters

cilium-dbg troubleshoot clustermesh [clusters...] [flags]


      --H string                     URI to server-side API
      --clustermesh-config string    Path to the ClusterMesh configuration directory (default "/var/lib/cilium/clustermesh/")
  -h, --help                         help for clustermesh
      --timeout duration             Timeout when checking connectivity to a given cluster (default 5s)
      --without-service-resolution   Disable k8s service to IP resolution through the k8s client

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string        Config file (default is $HOME/.cilium.yaml)
  -D, --debug                Enable debug messages
  -H, --host string          URI to server-side API
      --log-driver strings   Logging endpoints to use (example: syslog)
      --log-opt map          Log driver options (example: format=json)