Welcome to Cilium’s documentation!
The documentation is divided into the following sections:
Cilium Quick Installation: Provides a simple tutorial for running a small Cilium setup on your laptop. Intended as an easy way to get your hands dirty applying Cilium security policies between containers.
Getting Started : Details instructions for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting Cilium in different deployment modes.
Overview of Network Policy : Detailed walkthrough of the policy language structure and the supported formats.
Observability : Provides instructions on setting up and configuring Network Observability with Hubble and configuring metrics collection from Cilium and Hubble.
Troubleshooting : Describes how to troubleshoot Cilium in different deployment modes.
BPF and XDP Reference Guide : Provides a technical deep dive of eBPF and XDP technology, primarily focused at developers.
API Reference : Details the Cilium agent API for interacting with a local Cilium instance.
Development : Gives background to those looking to develop and contribute modifications to the Cilium code or documentation.
Securing Networks with Cilium : Provides a one-page resource of best practices for securing Cilium.
A hands-on tutorial in a live environment is also available for users looking for a way to quickly get started and experiment with Cilium.
Getting Started
Advanced Installation
- Networking Concepts
- Kubernetes Networking
- eBPF Datapath
- Multi-cluster Networking
- External networking
- Egress Gateway
- Service Mesh
- VXLAN Tunnel Endpoint (VTEP) Integration (beta)
- L2 Announcements / L2 Aware LB (Beta)
- Node IPAM LB
- Use a Specific MAC Address for a Pod
- Multicast Support in Cilium (Beta)
- Securing Networks with Cilium
- Identity-Aware and HTTP-Aware Policy Enforcement
- Locking Down External Access with DNS-Based Policies
- Inspecting TLS Encrypted Connections with Cilium
- Securing a Kafka Cluster
- Securing gRPC
- Securing Elasticsearch
- Locking Down External Access Using AWS Metadata
- Creating Policies from Verdicts
- Host Firewall
- Restricting privileged Cilium pod access
- Overview of Network Security
- Overview of Network Policy
- Restricting privileged Cilium pod access
- Threat Model
Contributor Guide