Guide to the Hive
Cilium is using dependency injection (via pkg/hive
) to wire up the
initialization, starting and stopping of its components.
Dependency injection (DI) is a
technique for separating the use of objects from their creation and
initialization. Essentially dependency injection is about automating the
manual management of dependencies. Object constructors only need to declare
their dependencies as function parameters and the rest is handled by the library. This
helps with building a loosely-coupled modular architecture as it removes the
need for centralization of initialization and configuration. It also reduces
the inclination to use global variables over explicit passing of objects,
which is often a source of bugs (due to unexpected initialization order)
and difficult to deal with in tests (as the state needs to be restored for
the next test). With dependency injection components are described as plain
values (Cell
in our flavor of DI) enabling visualization of inter-component
dependencies and opening the internal architecture up for inspection.
Dependency injection and the machinery described here are only a tool to help us towards the real goal: a modular software architecture that can be easily understood, extended, repurposed, tested and refactored by a large group of developers with minimal overlap between modules. To achieve this we also need to have modularity in mind when designing the architecture and APIs.
Hive and Cells
Cilium applications are composed using runtime dependency injection from a set of modular components called cells that compose together to form a hive (as in bee hive). A hive can then be supplied with configuration and executed. To provide a feel for what this is about, here is how a simple modular HTTP server application would leverage hive:
package server
// The server cell implements a generic HTTP server. Provides the 'Server' API
// for registering request handlers.
// Module() creates a named collection of cells.
var Cell = cell.Module(
"http-server", // Module identifier (for e.g. logging and tracing)
"HTTP Server", // Module title (for documentation)
// Provide the application the constructor for the server.
// Config registers a configuration when provided with the defaults
// and an implementation of Flags() for registering the configuration flags.
// Server allows registering request handlers with the HTTP server
type Server interface {
ListenAddress() string
RegisterHandler(path string, fn http.HandlerFunc)
func New(lc cell.Lifecycle, cfg ServerConfig) Server {
// Initialize http.Server, register Start and Stop hooks to Lifecycle
// for starting and stopping the server and return an implementation of
// 'Server' for other cells for registering handlers.
// ...
type ServerConfig struct {
ServerPort uint16
var defaultServerConfig = ServerConfig{
ServerPort: 8080,
func (def ServerConfig) Flags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
// Register the "server-port" flag. Hive by convention maps the flag to the ServerPort
// field.
flags.Uint16("server-port", def.ServerPort, "Sets the HTTP server listen port")
With the above generic HTTP server in the server
package, we can now implement a simple handler
for /hello in the hello
package hello
// The hello cell implements and registers a hello handler to the HTTP server.
// This cell isn't a Module, but rather just a plain Invoke. An Invoke
// is a cell that, unlike Provide, is always executed. Invoke functions
// can depend on values that constructors registered with Provide() can
// return. These constructors are then called and their results remembered.
var Cell = cell.Invoke(registerHelloHandler)
func helloHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
func registerHelloHandler(srv server.Server) {
srv.RegisterHandler("/hello", helloHandler)
And then put the two together into a simple application:
package main
var (
// exampleHive is an application with an HTTP server and a handler
// at /hello.
exampleHive = hive.New(
// cmd is the root command for this application. Runs
// exampleHive when executed.
cmd *cobra.Command = &cobra.Command{
Use: "example",
Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {
// Run() will execute all invoke functions, followed by start hooks
// and will then wait for interrupt signal before executing stop hooks
// and returning.
func main() {
// Register all command-line flags from each config cell to the
// flag-set of our command.
// Add the "hive" sub-command for inspecting the application.
// Execute the root command.
If you prefer to learn by example you can find a more complete and runnable example
application from pkg/hive/example
. Try running it with go run .
and also try
go run . hive
. And if you’re interested in how all this is implemented internally,
see pkg/hive/example/mini
, a minimal example of how to do dependency injection with reflection.
The Hive API
With the example hopefully having now whetted the appetite, we’ll take a proper look at the hive API.
pkg/hive provides the Hive type and
hive.New constructor.
The hive.Hive
type can be thought of as an application container, composed from cells:
var myHive = hive.New(foo.Cell, bar.Cell)
// Call Run() to run the hive.
myHive.Run() // Start(), wait for signal (ctrl-c) and then Stop()
// Hive can also be started and stopped directly. Useful in tests.
if err := myHive.Start(ctx); err != nil { /* ... */ }
if err := myHive.Stop(ctx); err != nil { /* ... */ }
// Hive's configuration can be registered with a Cobra command:
// Hive also provides a sub-command for inspecting it:
pkg/hive/cell defines the Cell interface that
consumes and the following functions for creating cells:
Module: A named set of cells.
Provide: Provides constructor(s) to the hive. Lazy and only invoked if referenced by an Invoke function (directly or indirectly via other constructor).
ProvidePrivate: Provides private constructor(s) to a module and its sub-modules.
Decorate: Wraps a set of cells with a decorator function to provide these cells with augmented objects.
Config: Provides a configuration struct to the hive.
Invoke: Registers an invoke function to instantiate and initialize objects.
Metric: Provides metrics to the hive.
Hive also by default provides the following globally available objects:
Lifecycle: Methods for registering Start and Stop functions that are executed when Hive is started and stopped. The hooks are appended to it in dependency order (since the constructors are invoked in dependency order).
Shutdowner: Allows gracefully shutting down the hive from anywhere in case of a fatal error post-start.
: Interface to the logger. Module() decorates it withsubsys=<module id>
We’ll now take a look at each of the different kinds of cells, starting with Provide(), which registers one or more constructors with the hive:
// func Provide(ctors any...) Cell
type A interface {}
func NewA() A { return A{} }
type B interface {}
func NewB(A) B { return B{} }
// simpleCell provides A and B
var simpleCell cell.Cell = cell.Provide(NewA, NewB)
If the constructors take many parameters, we’ll want to group them into a struct with cell.In
and conversely if there are many return values, into a struct with cell.Out
. This tells
hive to unpack them:
type params struct {
Lifecycle cell.Lifecycle
type out struct {
func NewCDE(params params) out { ... }
var Cell = cell.Provide(NewCDE)
Sometimes we want to depend on a group of values sharing the same type, e.g. to collect API handlers or metrics. This can be done with
value groups by combining cell.In
and cell.Out
with the group
struct tag:
type HandlerOut struct {
Handler Handler `group:"handlers"`
func NewHelloHandler() HandlerOut { ... }
func NewEventHandler(src events.Source) HandlerOut { ... }
type ServerParams struct {
Handlers []Handler `group:"handlers"`
func NewServer(params ServerParams) Server {
// params.Handlers will have the "Handlers" from NewHelloHandler and
// NewEventHandler.
var Hive = hive.New(
cell.Provide(NewHelloHandler, NewEventHandler, NewServer)
For a working example of group values this, see pkg/hive/example
Use Provide()
when you want to expose an object or an interface to the application. If there is nothing meaningful
to expose, consider instead using Invoke()
to register lifecycle hooks for an unexported object.
Invoke is used to invoke a function to initialize some part of the application. The provided constructors won’t be called unless an invoke function references them, either directly or indirectly via another constructor:
// func Invoke(funcs ...any) Cell
// Construct both B and C and then introduce them to each other.
func(b B, c C) {
// Construct D for its side-effects only (e.g. start and stop hooks).
// Avoid this if you can and use Invoke() to register hooks instead of Provide() if
// there's no API to provide.
Cells can be grouped into modules (a named set of cells):
// func Module(id, title string, cells ...Cell) Cell
var Cell = cell.Module(
"example", // short identifier (for use in e.g. logging and tracing)
"An example module", // one-line description (for documentation)
innerModule, // modules can contain other modules
var innerModule cell.Cell = cell.Module(
"An inner module",
Module() also provides the wrapped cells with a personalized logrus.FieldLogger
with the subsys
field set to module identifier (“example” above).
The scope created by Module() is useful when combined with ProvidePrivate():
var Cell = cell.Module(
"An example module",
cell.ProvidePrivate(NewA), // A only accessible from this module (or sub-modules)
cell.Provide(NewB), // B is accessible from anywhere
Sometimes one may want to use a modified object inside a module, for example how above Module() provided the cells with a personalized logger. This can be done with a decorator:
// func Decorate(dtor any, cells ...Cell) Cell
var Cell = cell.Decorate(
myLogger, // The decoration function
// These cells will see the objects returned by the 'myLogger' decorator
// rather than the objects on the outside.
// myLogger is a decorator that can depend on one or more objects in the application
// and return one or more objects. The input parameters don't necessarily need to match
// the output types.
func myLogger(log logrus.FieldLogger) logrus.FieldLogger {
return log.WithField("lasers", "stun")
Cilium applications use the cobra and
pflag libraries for implementing the command-line
interface. With Cobra, one defines a Command
, with optional sub-commands. Each command
has an associated FlagSet which must be populated before a command is executed in order to
parse or to produce usage documentation. Hive bridges to Cobra with cell.Config
, which
takes a value that implements cell.Flagger
for adding flags to a command’s FlagSet and
returns a cell that “provides” the parsed configuration to the application:
// type Flagger interface {
// Flags(flags *pflag.FlagSet)
// }
// func Config[Cfg Flagger](defaultConfig Cfg) cell.Cell
type MyConfig struct {
MyOption string
SliceOption []string
MapOption map[string]string
func (def MyConfig) Flags(flags *pflag.FlagSet) {
// Register the "my-option" flag. This matched against the MyOption field
// by removing any dashes and doing case insensitive comparison.
flags.String("my-option", def.MyOption, "My config option")
// Flags are supported for representing complex types such as slices and maps.
// * Slices are obtained splitting the input string on commas.
// * Maps support different formats based on how they are provided:
// - CLI: key=value format, separated by commas; the flag can be
// repeated multiple times.
// - Environment variable or configuration file: either JSON encoded
// or comma-separated key=value format.
flags.StringSlice("slice-option", def.SliceOption, "My slice config option")
flags.StringToString("map-option", def.MapOption, "My map config option")
var defaultMyConfig = MyConfig{
MyOption: "the default value",
func New(cfg MyConfig) MyThing
var Cell = cell.Module(
"A module with a config",
Every field in the default configuration structure must be explicitly populated. When selecting defaults for the option, consider which option will introduce the minimal disruption to existing users during upgrade. For instance, if the flag retains existing behavior from a previous release, then the default flag value should retain that behavior. If you are introducing a new optional feature, consider disabling the option by default.
In tests the configuration can be populated in various ways:
func TestCell(t *testing.T) {
h := hive.New(Cell)
// Options can be set via Viper
h.Viper().Set("my-option", "test-value")
// Or via pflags
flags := pflag.NewFlagSet("", pflag.ContinueOnError)
flags.Set("my-option", "test-value")
// Or the preferred way with a config override:
h = hive.New(
func(cfg *MyConfig) {
cfg.MyOption = "test-override"
// To validate that the Cell can be instantiated and the configuration
// struct is well-formed without starting you can call Populate():
if err := h.Populate(); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to populate: %s", err)
The metric cell allows you to define a collection of metrics near a feature you would like to instrument. Like the Provide cell, you define a new type and a constructor. In the case of a metric cell the type should be a struct with only public fields. The types of these fields should implement both metric.WithMetadata and prometheus.Collector. The easiest way to get such metrics is to use the types defined in pkg/metrics/metric.
The metric collection struct type returned by the given constructor is made
available in the hive just like a normal provide. In addition all of the metrics
are made available via the hive-metrics
value group.
This value group is consumed by the metrics package so any metrics defined
via a metric cell are automatically registered.
var Cell = cell.Module("my-feature", "My Feature",
type FeatureMetrics struct {
Calls metric.Vec[metric.Counter]
Latency metric.Histogram
func NewFeatureMetrics() FeatureMetrics {
return FeatureMetrics{
Calls: metric.NewCounterVec(metric.CounterOpts{
ConfigName: metrics.Namespace + "_my_feature_calls_total",
Subsystem: "my_feature",
Namespace: metrics.Namespace,
Name: "calls_total",
}, []string{"caller"}),
Latency: metric.NewHistogram(metric.HistogramOpts{
ConfigName: metrics.Namespace + "_my_feature_latency_seconds",
Namespace: metrics.Namespace,
Subsystem: "my_feature",
Name: "latency_seconds",
type MyFeature struct {
metrics FeatureMetrics
func NewMyFeature(metrics FeatureMetrics) *MyFeature {
return &MyFeature{
metrics: metrics,
func (mf *MyFeature) SomeFunction(caller string) {
mf.metrics.Calls.With(prometheus.Labels{"caller": caller}).Inc()
span := spanstat.Start()
// Normally we would do some actual work here
In addition to cells an important building block in hive is the lifecycle. A lifecycle is a list of start and stop hook pairs that are executed in order (reverse when stopping) when running the hive.
package hive
type Lifecycle {
type HookContext context.Context
type HookInterface interface {
Start(HookContext) error
Stop(HookContext) error
type Hook struct {
OnStart func(HookContext) error
OnStop func(HookContext) error
func (h Hook) Start(ctx HookContext) error { ... }
func (h Hook) Stop(ctx HookContext) error { ... }
The lifecycle hooks can be implemented either by implementing the HookInterface methods, or using the Hook struct. Lifecycle is accessible from any cell:
var ExampleCell = cell.Module(
"Example module",
type Example struct { /* ... */ }
func (e *Example) Start(ctx HookContext) error { /* ... */ }
func (e *Example) Stop(ctx HookContext) error { /* ... */ }
func New(lc cell.Lifecycle) *Example {
e := &Example{}
return e
These hooks are executed when hive.Run() is called. The HookContext given to
these hooks is there to allow graceful aborting of the starting or stopping,
either due to user pressing Control-C
or due to a timeout. By default Hive has
5 minute start timeout and 1 minute stop timeout, but these are configurable
with SetTimeouts(). A grace time of 5 seconds is given on top of the timeout
after which the application is forcefully terminated, regardless of whether
the hook has finished or not.
Sometimes there’s nothing else to do but crash. If a fatal error is encountered
in a Start()
hook it’s easy: just return the error and abort the start. After
starting one can initiate a shutdown using the hive.Shutdowner
package hive
type Shutdowner interface {
func ShutdownWithError(err error) ShutdownOption { /* ... */ }
package example
type Example struct {
/* ... */
Shutdowner hive.Shutdowner
func (e *Example) eventLoop() {
for {
/* ... */
if err != nil {
// Uh oh, this is really bad, we've got to crash.
Creating and running a hive
A hive is created using hive.New()
// func New(cells ...cell.Cell) *Hive
var myHive = hive.New(FooCell, BarCell)
creates a new hive and registers all providers to it. Invoke
functions are not yet executed as our application may have multiple hives
and we need to delay object instantiation to until we know which hive to use.
However New
does execute an invoke function to gather all command-line flags from
all configuration cells. These can be then registered with a Cobra command:
var cmd *cobra.Command = /* ... */
After that the hive can be started with myHive.Run()
Run() will first construct the parsed configurations and will then execute all invoke functions to instantiate all needed objects. As part of this the lifecycle hooks will have been appended (in dependency order). After that the start hooks can be executed one after the other to start the hive. Once started, Run() waits for SIGTERM and SIGINT signals and upon receiving one will execute the stop hooks in reverse order to bring the hive down.
Now would be a good time to try this out in practice. You’ll find a small example
application in pkg/hive/example.
Try running it with go run .
and exploring the implementation (try what happens if a provider is commented out!).
Inspecting a hive
The hive.Hive
can be inspected with the ‘hive’ command after it’s
been registered with cobra:
var rootCmd *cobra.Command = /* ... */
cilium$ go run ./daemon hive
Ⓜ️ agent (Cilium Agent):
Ⓜ️ infra (Infrastructure):
Ⓜ️ k8s-client (Kubernetes Client):
⚙️ (client.Config) {
K8sAPIServer: (string) "",
K8sKubeConfigPath: (string) "",
K8sClientQPS: (float32) 0,
K8sClientBurst: (int) 0,
K8sHeartbeatTimeout: (time.Duration) 30s,
EnableK8sAPIDiscovery: (bool) false
🚧 client.newClientset (cell.go:109):
⇨ client.Config, cell.Lifecycle, logrus.FieldLogger
⇦ client.Clientset
Start hooks:
• gops.registerGopsHooks.func1 (cell.go:44)
• cmd.newDatapath.func1 (daemon_main.go:1625)
Stop hooks:
The hive command prints out the cells, showing what modules, providers, configurations etc. exist and what they’re requiring and providing. Finally the command prints out all registered start and stop hooks. Note that these hooks often depend on the configuration (e.g. k8s-client will not insert a hook unless e.g. –k8s-kubeconfig-path is given). The hive command takes the same command-line flags as the root command.
The provider dependencies in a hive can also be visualized as a graphviz dot-graph:
cilium$ go run ./daemon hive dot-graph | dot -Tx11
Few guidelines one should strive to follow when implementing larger cells:
A constructor function should only do validation and allocation. Spawning of goroutines or I/O operations must not be performed from constructors, but rather via the Start hook. This is required as we want to inspect the object graph (e.g.
) and side-effectful constructors would cause undesired effects.Stop functions should make sure to block until all resources (goroutines, file handles, …) created by the module have been cleaned up (with e.g.
). This makes sure that independent tests in the same test suite are not affecting each other. Use goleak to check that goroutines are not leaked.Preferably each non-trivial cell would come with a test that validates that it implements its public API correctly. The test also serves as an example of how the cell’s API is used and it also validates the correctness of the cells it depends on which helps with refactoring.
Utility cells should not Invoke(). Since cells may be used in many applications it makes sense to make them lazy to allow bundling useful utilities into one collection. If a utility cell has an invoke, it may be instantiated even if it is never used.
For large cells, provide interfaces and not struct pointers. A cell can be thought of providing a service to the rest of the application. To make it accessible, one should think about what APIs the module provides and express these as well documented interface types. If the interface is large, try breaking it up into multiple small ones. Interface types also allows integration testing with mock implementations. The rational here is the same as with “return structs, accept interfaces”: since hive works with the names of types, we want to “inject” interfaces into the object graph and not struct pointers. Extra benefit is that separating the API implemented by a module into one or more interfaces it is easier to document and easier to inspect as all public method declarations are in one place.
Use parameter (cell.In) and result (cell.Out) objects liberally. If a constructor takes more than two parameters, consider using a parameter struct instead.
Internals: Dependency injection with reflection
Hive is built on top of uber/dig, a reflection based library for building dependency injection frameworks. In dig, you create a container, add in your constructors and then “invoke” to create objects:
func NewA() (A, error) { /* ... */ }
func NewB() B { /* ... */ }
func NewC(A, B) (C, error) { /* ... */ }
func setupC(C) error
// Create a new container for our constructors.
c := dig.New(dig.DeferAcyclicVerification())
// Add in the constructors. Order does not matter.
// Invoke a function that can depend on any of the values supplied by the
// registered constructors.
// Since this depends on "C", dig will construct first A and B
// (as C depends on them), and then C.
c.Invoke(func(c *C) {
// Do something with C
This is the basis on top of which Hive is built. Hive calls dig’s Provide() for each of the constructors registered with cell.Provide and then calls invoke functions to construct the needed objects. The results from the constructors are cached, so each constructor is called only once.
uses Go’s “reflect” package that provides access to the
type information of the provide and invoke functions. For example, the
Provide method does
something akin to this under the hood:
// 'constructor' has type "func(...) ..."
typ := reflect.TypeOf(constructor)
if typ.Kind() != reflect.Func { /* error */ }
in := make([]reflect.Type, 0, typ.NumIn())
for i := 0; i < typ.NumIn(); i++ {
in[i] = typ.In(i)
out := make([]reflect.Type, 0, typ.NumOut())
for i := 0; i < typ.NumOut(); i++ {
out[i] = typ.Out(i)
container.providers = append(container.providers, &provider{constructor, in, out})
Invoke will similarly reflect on the function value to find out what are the required inputs and then find the required constructors for the input objects and recursively their inputs.
While building this on reflection is flexible, the downside is that missing
dependencies lead to runtime errors. Luckily dig produces excellent errors and
suggests closely matching object types in case of typos. Due to the desire
to avoid these runtime errors the constructed hive should be as static
as possible, e.g. the set of constructors and invoke functions should be
determined at compile time and not be dependent on runtime configuration. This
way the hive can be validated once with a simple unit test (daemon/cmd/cells_test.go
Cell showcase
Logging is provided to all cells by default with the logrus.FieldLogger
interface type. The log lines will include the field subsys=<module id>
"log example module",
func(log logrus.FieldLogger) Example {
log.Info("Hello") // subsys=example message=Hello
return Example{log: log}
Kubernetes client
The client package provides the Clientset
that combines the different clientsets used by Cilium into one composite value. Also provides FakeClientCell
for writing integration tests for cells that interact with the K8s api-server.
var Cell = cell.Provide(New)
func New(cs client.Clientset) Example {
return Example{cs: cs}
func (e Example) CreateIdentity(id *ciliumv2.CiliumIdentity) error {
return e.cs.CiliumV2().CiliumIdentities().Create(e.ctx, id, metav1.CreateOptions{})
Resource and the store (see below) is the preferred way of accessing Kubernetes object state to minimize traffic to the api-server. The Clientset should usually only be used for creating and updating objects.
Kubernetes Resource and Store
While not a cell by itself, pkg/k8s/resource
provides an useful abstraction for providing shared event-driven access
to Kubernetes objects. Implemented on top of the client-go informer,
and store to codify the suggested pattern for controllers in a
type-safe way. This shared abstraction provides a simpler API to write and
test against and allows central control over what data (and at what rate)
is pulled from the api-server and how it’s stored (in-memory or persisted).
The resources are usually made available centrally for the application, e.g. in cilium-agent they’re provided from pkg/k8s/resource.go. See also the runnable example in pkg/k8s/resource/example.
import ""
var nodesCell = cell.Provide(
func(lc cell.Lifecycle, cs client.Clientset) resource.Resource[v1.Node] {
lw := utils.ListerWatcherFromTyped[*v1.NodeList](cs.CoreV1().Nodes())
return resource.New[*v1.Node](lc, lw)
var Cell = cell.Module(
"Example of how to use Resource",
func printNodeUpdates(nodes resource.Resource[*v1.Node]) {
// Store() returns a typed locally synced store of the objects.
// This call blocks until the store has been synchronized.
store, err := nodes.Store()
obj, exists, err := store.Get("my-node")
objs, err := store.List()
// Events() returns a channel of object change events. Closes
// when 'ctx' is cancelled.
// type Event[T] struct { Kind Kind; Key Key; Object T; Done func(err error) }
for ev := range nodes.Events(ctx) {
switch ev.Kind {
case resource.Sync:
// The store has now synced with api-server and
// the set of observed upsert events forms a coherent
// snapshot. Usually some sort of garbage collection or
// reconciliation is performed.
case resource.Upsert:
fmt.Printf("Node %s has updated: %v\n", ev.Key, ev.Object)
case resource.Delete:
fmt.Printf("Node %s has been deleted\n", key)
// Each event must be marked as handled. If non-nil error
// is given, the processing for this key is retried later
// according to rate-limiting and retry policy. The built-in
// retrying is often used if we perform I/O operations (like API client
// calls) from the handler and retrying makes sense. It should not
// be used on parse errors and similar.
Job groups
The job package contains logic that makes it easy to manage units of work that the package refers to as “jobs”. These jobs are scheduled as part of a job group.
Every job is a callback function provided by the user with additional logic which differs slightly for each job type. The jobs and groups manage a lot of the boilerplate surrounding lifecycle management. The callbacks are called from the job to perform the actual work.
These jobs themselves come in several varieties. The OneShot
job invokes its callback just once.
This job type can be used for initialization after cell startup, routines that run for the full lifecycle
of the cell, or for any other task you would normally use a plain goroutine for.
The Timer
job invokes its callback periodically. This job type can be used for periodic tasks
such as synchronization or garbage collection. Timer jobs can also be externally triggered in
addition to the periodic invocations.
The Observer
job invokes its callback for every message sent on a stream.Observable
. This job
type can be used to react to a data stream or events created by other cells.
Please take a look at pkg/hive/examples/jobs.go
for an example of how to use the job package.