Proxy Load Balancing for Kubernetes Services (beta)

This guide explains how to configure Proxy Load Balancing for Kubernetes services using Cilium, which is useful for use cases such as gRPC load-balancing. Once enabled, the traffic to a Kubernetes service will be redirected to a Cilium-managed Envoy proxy for load balancing. This feature is independent of the Kubernetes Ingress Support feature.


This is a beta feature. Please provide feedback and file a GitHub issue if you experience any problems.

Deploy Test Applications

$ kubectl apply -f

The test workloads consist of:

  • one client deployment client

  • one service echo-service with two backend pods.

View information about these pods:

$ kubectl get pods --show-labels -o wide
NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE    IP          NODE           NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES   LABELS
client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7         1/1     Running   0          39s   minikube   <none>           <none>            kind=client,name=client,pod-template-hash=7dccb64ff6
echo-service-744b6dd45b-487tn   2/2     Running   0          39s    minikube   <none>           <none>            kind=echo,name=echo-service,other=echo,pod-template-hash=744b6dd45b
echo-service-744b6dd45b-mdjc2   2/2     Running   0          39s   minikube   <none>           <none>            kind=echo,name=echo-service,other=echo,pod-template-hash=744b6dd45b
$ CLIENT=$(kubectl get pods -l name=client -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')

Start Observing Traffic with Hubble

Enable Hubble in your cluster with the step mentioned in Setting up Hubble Observability.

Start a second terminal, then enable hubble port forwarding and observe traffic for the service echo-service:

$ kubectl -n kube-system port-forward deployment/hubble-relay 4245:4245 &
$ hubble observe --service echo-service -f

You should be able to get a response from both of the backend services individually from client:

$ kubectl exec -it $CLIENT -- curl -v echo-service:8080/

Notice that Hubble shows all the flows between the client pod and the backend pods via echo-service service.

Jan 16 04:28:10.690: default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7 (ID:5152) <> default/echo-service:8080 (world) pre-xlate-fwd TRACED (TCP)
Jan 16 04:28:10.690: default/echo-service:8080 (world) <> default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7 (ID:5152) post-xlate-rev TRANSLATED (TCP)

Add Proxy Load Balancing Annotations to the Services

Adding a Layer 7 policy introduces the Envoy proxy into the path for this traffic.

$ kubectl annotate service echo-service
service/echo-service annotated

Make a request to a backend service and observe the traffic with Hubble again:

$ kubectl exec -it $CLIENT -- curl -v echo-service:8080/

The request is now proxied through the Envoy proxy and then flows to the backend.

Jan 16 04:32:27.737: default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7:56462 (ID:5152) -> default/echo-service:8080 (world) to-proxy FORWARDED (TCP Flags: SYN)
Jan 16 04:32:27.737: default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7:56462 (ID:5152) <- default/echo-service:8080 (world) to-endpoint FORWARDED (TCP Flags: SYN, ACK)
Jan 16 04:32:27.737: default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7:56462 (ID:5152) -> default/echo-service:8080 (world) to-proxy FORWARDED (TCP Flags: ACK)
Jan 16 04:32:27.737: default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7:56462 (ID:5152) -> default/echo-service:8080 (world) to-proxy FORWARDED (TCP Flags: ACK, PSH)
Jan 16 04:32:27.739: default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7:56462 (ID:5152) <- default/echo-service:8080 (world) to-endpoint FORWARDED (TCP Flags: ACK, PSH)
Jan 16 04:32:27.740: default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7:56462 (ID:5152) -> default/echo-service:8080 (world) to-proxy FORWARDED (TCP Flags: ACK, FIN)
Jan 16 04:32:27.740: default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7:56462 (ID:5152) <- default/echo-service:8080 (world) to-endpoint FORWARDED (TCP Flags: ACK, FIN)
Jan 16 04:32:27.740: default/client-7dccb64ff6-t5gc7:56462 (ID:5152) -> default/echo-service:8080 (world) to-proxy FORWARDED (TCP Flags: ACK)

Supported Annotations



Applicable Values

Default Value

Enable L7 Load balancing for kubernetes service.

enabled, disabled

Defaults to disabled

The LB algorithm to be used for services.

round_robin, least_request, random

Defaults to Helm option loadBalancer.l7.algorithm value.