Introducing New CRDs
Cilium uses a combination of code generation tools to facilitate adding CRDs to the Kubernetes instance it is installed on.
These CRDs make themselves available in the generated Kubernetes client Cilium uses.
Defining And Generating CRDs
Currently, two API versions exist v2
and v2alpha1
CRDs are defined via Golang structures, annotated with marks
, and
generated with Cilium make file targets.
Marks are used to tell controller-gen
how to generate the CRD.
This includes defining the CRD’s various names (Singular, plural,
group), its Scope (Cluster, Namespaced), Shortnames, etc…
An example:
// +kubebuilder:resource:categories={cilium},singular="ciliumendpointslice",path="ciliumendpointslices",scope="Cluster",shortName={ces}
// +kubebuilder:storageversion
You can find CRD generation marks
Marks are also used to generate json-schema validation. You can define
validation criteria such as “format=cidr” and “required” via validation
in your struct’s comments.
An example:
type CiliumBGPPeeringConfiguration struct {
// PeerAddress is the IP address of the peer.
// This must be in CIDR notation and use a /32 to express
// a single host.
// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
// +kubebuilder:validation:Format=cidr
PeerAddress string `json:"peerAddress"`
You can find CRD validation marks
Defining CRDs
The portion of the directory after apis/
makes up the CRD’s
and Version
. See
You can begin defining your CRD
structure, making any subtypes you
like to adequately define your data model and using marks
to control
the CRD generation process.
Here is a brief example, omitting any further definitions of sub-types to express the CRD data model.
// +genclient
// +genclient:nonNamespaced
// +kubebuilder:resource:categories={cilium,ciliumbgp},singular="ciliumbgppeeringpolicy",path="ciliumbgppeeringpolicies",scope="Cluster",shortName={bgpp}
// +kubebuilder:printcolumn:JSONPath=".metadata.creationTimestamp",name="Age",type=date
// +kubebuilder:storageversion
// CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy is a Kubernetes third-party resource for instructing
// Cilium's BGP control plane to create peers.
type CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy struct {
// +k8s:openapi-gen=false
// +deepequal-gen=false
metav1.TypeMeta `json:",inline"`
// +k8s:openapi-gen=false
// +deepequal-gen=false
metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata"`
// Spec is a human readable description of a BGP peering policy
// +kubebuilder:validation:Required
Spec CiliumBGPPeeringPolicySpec `json:"spec,omitempty"`
Integrating CRDs Into Cilium
Once you’ve coded your CRD data model you can use Cilium’s make
infrastructure to generate and integrate your CRD into Cilium.
There are several make targets and a script which revolve around
generating CRD and associated code gen (client, informers, DeepCopy
implementations, DeepEqual
implementations, etc).
Each of the next sections also detail the steps you should take to integrate your CRD into Cilium.
Generating CRD YAML
To simply generate the CRDs and copy them into the correct location you must perform two tasks:
Update the
to edit theCRDS_CILIUM_V2
variable (depending on the version of your new CRD) to contain the plural name of your new CRD.Run
make manifests
This will generate your Golang structs into CRD manifests and copy them
to ./pkg/k8s/apis/
into the appropriate
You can inspect your generated CRDs
to confirm they look OK.
Additionally ./contrib/scripts/
is a script
which will generate the CRD manifest along with generating the necessary K8s
API changes to use your CRDs via K8s client in Cilium source code.
Generating Client Code
make generate-k8s-api
This make target will perform the necessary code-gen to integrate your
CRD into Cilium’s client-go
client, create listers, watchers, and
Again, multiple steps must be taken to fully integrate your CRD into Cilium.
Register With API Scheme
Make a change similar to this diff to register your CRDs with the API scheme.
diff --git a/pkg/k8s/apis/ b/pkg/k8s/apis/
index 9650e32f8d..0d85c5a233 100644
--- a/pkg/k8s/apis/
+++ b/pkg/k8s/apis/
@@ -55,6 +55,34 @@ const (
// CESName is the full name of Cilium Endpoint Slice
CESName = CESPluralName + "." + CustomResourceDefinitionGroup
+ // Cilium BGP Peering Policy (BGPP)
+ // BGPPPluralName is the plural name of Cilium BGP Peering Policy
+ BGPPPluralName = "ciliumbgppeeringpolicies"
+ // BGPPKindDefinition is the kind name of Cilium BGP Peering Policy
+ BGPPKindDefinition = "CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy"
+ // BGPPName is the full name of Cilium BGP Peering Policy
+ BGPPName = BGPPPluralName + "." + CustomResourceDefinitionGroup
+ // Cilium BGP Load Balancer IP Pool (BGPPool)
+ // BGPPoolPluralName is the plural name of Cilium BGP Load Balancer IP Pool
+ BGPPoolPluralName = "ciliumbgploadbalancerippools"
+ // BGPPoolKindDefinition is the kind name of Cilium BGP Peering Policy
+ BGPPoolKindDefinition = "CiliumBGPLoadBalancerIPPool"
+ // BGPPoolName is the full name of Cilium BGP Load Balancer IP Pool
+ BGPPoolName = BGPPoolPluralName + "." + CustomResourceDefinitionGroup
// SchemeGroupVersion is group version used to register these objects
@@ -102,6 +130,10 @@ func addKnownTypes(scheme *runtime.Scheme) error {
+ &CiliumBGPPeeringPolicy{},
+ &CiliumBGPPeeringPolicyList{},
+ &CiliumBGPLoadBalancerIPPool{},
+ &CiliumBGPLoadBalancerIPPoolList{},
metav1.AddToGroupVersion(scheme, SchemeGroupVersion)
You should also bump the CustomResourceDefinitionSchemaVersion
variable in register.go
to instruct Cilium
that new CRDs have been added to the system.
Register With Client
Make a change similar to the following to register CRD types with the client.
diff --git a/pkg/k8s/apis/ b/pkg/k8s/apis/
index ede134d7d9..ec82169270 100644
--- a/pkg/k8s/apis/
+++ b/pkg/k8s/apis/
@@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ const (
// CESCRDName is the full name of the CES CRD.
CESCRDName = k8sconstv2alpha1.CESKindDefinition + "/" + k8sconstv2alpha1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersion
+ // BGPPCRDName is the full name of the BGPP CRD.
+ BGPPCRDName = k8sconstv2alpha1.BGPPKindDefinition + "/" + k8sconstv2alpha1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersion
+ // BGPPoolCRDName is the full name of the BGPPool CRD.
+ BGPPoolCRDName = k8sconstv2alpha1.BGPPoolKindDefinition + "/" + k8sconstv2alpha1.CustomResourceDefinitionVersion
var (
@@ -86,6 +92,7 @@ func CreateCustomResourceDefinitions(clientset apiextensionsclient.Interface) er
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2.CLRPName): createCRD(CLRPCRDName, k8sconstv2.CLRPName),
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2.CEGPName): createCRD(CEGPCRDName, k8sconstv2.CEGPName),
synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2alpha1.CESName): createCRD(CESCRDName, k8sconstv2alpha1.CESName),
+ synced.CRDResourceName(k8sconstv2alpha1.BGPPName): createCRD(BGPPCRDName, k8sconstv2alpha1.BGPPName),
for _, r := range synced.AllCiliumCRDResourceNames() {
fn, ok := resourceToCreateFnMapping[r]
@@ -127,6 +134,12 @@ var (
//go:embed crds/v2alpha1/ciliumendpointslices.yaml
crdsv2Alpha1Ciliumendpointslices []byte
+ //go:embed crds/v2alpha1/ciliumbgppeeringpolicies.yaml
+ crdsv2Alpha1Ciliumbgppeeringpolicies []byte
+ //go:embed crds/v2alpha1/ciliumbgploadbalancerippools.yaml
+ crdsv2Alpha1Ciliumbgploadbalancerippools []byte
// GetPregeneratedCRD returns the pregenerated CRD based on the requested CRD
Also, configure the watcher for this resource (or tell the agent not to watch it)
diff --git a/pkg/k8s/watchers/watcher.go b/pkg/k8s/watchers/watcher.go
index eedf397b6b..8419eb90fd 100644
--- a/pkg/k8s/watchers/watcher.go
+++ b/pkg/k8s/watchers/watcher.go
@@ -398,6 +398,7 @@ var ciliumResourceToGroupMapping = map[string]watcherInfo{
synced.CRDResourceName(v2.CECName): {afterNodeInit, k8sAPIGroupCiliumEnvoyConfigV2},
synced.CRDResourceName(v2alpha1.BGPPName): {skip, ""}, // Handled in BGP control plane
synced.CRDResourceName(v2alpha1.BGPPoolName): {skip, ""}, // Handled in BGP control plane
+ synced.CRDResourceName(v2.CCOName): {skip, ""}, // Handled by init directly
Getting Your CRDs Installed
Your new CRDs must be installed into Kubernetes. This is controlled in
the pkg/k8s/synced/crd.go
Here is an example diff which installs the CRDs v2alpha1.BGPPName
and v2alpha.BGPPoolName
diff --git a/pkg/k8s/synced/crd.go b/pkg/k8s/synced/crd.go
index 52d975c449..10c554cf8a 100644
--- a/pkg/k8s/synced/crd.go
+++ b/pkg/k8s/synced/crd.go
@@ -42,6 +42,11 @@ func agentCRDResourceNames() []string {
+ CRDResourceName(v2.CIDName),
+ // TODO(louis) make this a conditional install
+ // based on --enable-bgp-control-plane flag
+ CRDResourceName(v2alpha1.BGPPName),
+ CRDResourceName(v2alpha1.BGPPoolName),
Updating RBAC Roles
Cilium is installed with a service account and this service account should be given RBAC permissions to access your new CRDs. The following files should be updated to include permissions to create, read, update, and delete your new CRD.
Here is a diff of updating the Agent’s cluster role template to include our new BGP CRDs:
diff --git a/install/kubernetes/cilium/templates/cilium-agent/clusterrole.yaml b/install/kubernetes/cilium/templates/cilium-agent/clusterrole.yaml
index 9878401a81..5ba6c30cd7 100644
--- a/install/kubernetes/cilium/templates/cilium-agent/clusterrole.yaml
+++ b/install/kubernetes/cilium/templates/cilium-agent/clusterrole.yaml
@@ -102,6 +102,8 @@ rules:
- ciliumlocalredirectpolicies/finalizers
- ciliumendpointslices
+ - ciliumbgppeeringpolicies
+ - ciliumbgploadbalancerippools
- '*'
{{- end }}
It’s important to note, neither the Agent nor the Operator installs
these manifests to the Kubernetes clusters. This means when testing your
CRD out the updated clusterrole
must be written to the cluster
Also please note, you should be specific about which ‘verbs’ are added to the Agent’s cluster role. This ensures a good security posture and best practice.
A convenient script for this follows:
if [ -z "${1}" ]; then
echo "Commit SHA not set"
cd install/kubernetes
helm template cilium ./cilium \
--namespace kube-system \
--set \
--set image.tag=$CILIUM_CI_TAG \
--set \
--set operator.image.suffix=-ci \
--set operator.image.tag=$CILIUM_CI_TAG \
--set \
--set clustermesh.apiserver.image.tag=$CILIUM_CI_TAG \
--set \
--set hubble.relay.image.tag=$CILIUM_CI_TAG > /tmp/cilium.yaml
echo "run kubectl apply -f /tmp/cilium.yaml"
The above script with install Cilium and newest clusterrole
manifests to anywhere your kubectl
is pointed.