GKE-to-GKE Clustermesh Preparation
This is a step-by-step guide on how to install and prepare Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) clusters to meet the requirements for the clustermesh feature.
This guide describes how to deploy two zonal, single node GKE clusters in different regions for the express purpose of creating a cost-effective environment to deploy a clustermesh to. Ideal for development/learning purposes.
The steps below require the gcloud CLI tool
Create VPC
Create a VPC network in your GCP project. Environment variables are recommended as their values will be referenced in later steps.
# feel free to choose your own VPC network name export PROJECT_ID="[GCP_PROJECT_ID]" export VPC_NETWORK="my-gke-network" gcloud compute networks create ${VPC_NETWORK} \ --subnet-mode=auto \ --project ${PROJECT_ID} gcloud compute firewall-rules create ${VPC_NETWORK}-allow-internal \ --network ${VPC_NETWORK} \ --allow tcp,udp,icmp \ --source-ranges ""
Deploy clusters
Set additional environment variables for values that will be reused in later steps.
# us-west1-a can be changed to any available location (`gcloud compute zones list`) export CLUSTER="gke-1" export ZONE="us-west1-a" export POD_CIDR="" export SERVICES_CIDR=""
Below is an example to deploy one GKE cluster. To create more clusters, follow the steps again, using distinct cluster names, zones, pod CIDRs, and services CIDRs.
You can use different pod and services CIDRs than in the example, but make sure they meet the IP address range rules. But most importantly, make sure they do not overlap with the pods and services CIDRs in your other cluster(s).
gcloud container clusters create ${CLUSTER} \ --zone ${ZONE} \ --node-locations ${ZONE} \ --network=${VPC_NETWORK} \ --enable-ip-alias \ --cluster-ipv4-cidr=${POD_CIDR} \ --services-ipv4-cidr=${SERVICES_CIDR} \ --machine-type=e2-medium \ --max-nodes=1 \ --num-nodes=1 \ --node-taints node.cilium.io/agent-not-ready=true:NoSchedule \ --project ${PROJECT_ID} # Get kubectl credentials, the command will merge the new credentials # with the existing ~/.kube/config gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${CLUSTER} \ --zone ${ZONE} \ --project ${PROJECT_ID}
The node taint is used to prevent pods from being deployed/started until Cilium has been installed.
Install Cilium.
Be sure to assign a unique
to each cluster.cilium install \ --version |CHART_VERSION| \ --set cluster.id=1 \ --set cluster.name=${CLUSTER}
Check the status of Cilium.
cilium status
For each GKE cluster, save its context in an environment variable for use in the clustermesh setup process.
GKE cluster context is a combination of project ID, location, and cluster name.
export CONTEXT1="gke_${PROJECT_ID}_${ZONE}_${CLUSTER}"
Peering VPC networks
Google Cloud’s VPCs are global in scope, so subnets within the same VPC can already communicate with each other internally – regardless of region. So there is no VPC peering required!
Node-to-node traffic between clusters is now possible. All requirements for clustermesh are met. Enabling clustermesh is explained in Setting up Cluster Mesh.
Please reference environment variables exported in step 4 for any commands that require the Kubernetes context.