Installation using Azure CNI Powered by Cilium in AKS
This guide walks you through the installation of Cilium on AKS (Azure Kubernetes Service) via the Azure Container Network Interface (CNI) Powered by Cilium option.
Create the cluster
Create an Azure CNI Powered by Cilium AKS cluster with network-plugin azure
--network-dataplane cilium
. You can create the cluster either in podsubnet
or overlay
In both modes, traffic is routed through the Azure Virtual Network Stack. The choice between these
modes depends on the specific use case and requirements of the cluster. Refer to the related documentation to know more about these two modes.
az aks create -n <clusterName> -g <resourceGroupName> -l <location> \
--network-plugin azure \
--network-dataplane cilium \
--network-plugin-mode overlay \
See also the detailed instructions from scratch.
az aks create -n <clusterName> -g <resourceGroupName> -l <location> \
--network-plugin azure \
--network-dataplane cilium \
--vnet-subnet-id /subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<vnetName>/subnets/nodesubnet \
--pod-subnet-id /subscriptions/<subscriptionId>/resourceGroups/<resourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/<vnetName>/subnets/podsubnet
See also the detailed instructions from scratch.
Validate the Installation
Install the latest version of the Cilium CLI. The Cilium CLI can be used to install Cilium, inspect the state of a Cilium installation, and enable/disable various features (e.g. clustermesh, Hubble).
if [ "$(uname -m)" = "aarch64" ]; then CLI_ARCH=arm64; fi
curl -L --fail --remote-name-all${CILIUM_CLI_VERSION}/cilium-linux-${CLI_ARCH}.tar.gz{,.sha256sum}
sha256sum --check cilium-linux-${CLI_ARCH}.tar.gz.sha256sum
sudo tar xzvfC cilium-linux-${CLI_ARCH}.tar.gz /usr/local/bin
rm cilium-linux-${CLI_ARCH}.tar.gz{,.sha256sum}
if [ "$(uname -m)" = "arm64" ]; then CLI_ARCH=arm64; fi
curl -L --fail --remote-name-all${CILIUM_CLI_VERSION}/cilium-darwin-${CLI_ARCH}.tar.gz{,.sha256sum}
shasum -a 256 -c cilium-darwin-${CLI_ARCH}.tar.gz.sha256sum
sudo tar xzvfC cilium-darwin-${CLI_ARCH}.tar.gz /usr/local/bin
rm cilium-darwin-${CLI_ARCH}.tar.gz{,.sha256sum}
See the full page of releases.
To validate that Cilium has been properly installed, you can run
$ cilium status --wait
/¯¯\__/¯¯\ Cilium: OK
\__/¯¯\__/ Operator: OK
/¯¯\__/¯¯\ Hubble: disabled
\__/¯¯\__/ ClusterMesh: disabled
DaemonSet cilium Desired: 2, Ready: 2/2, Available: 2/2
Deployment cilium-operator Desired: 2, Ready: 2/2, Available: 2/2
Containers: cilium-operator Running: 2
cilium Running: 2
Image versions cilium 2
cilium-operator 2
Run the following command to validate that your cluster has proper network connectivity:
$ cilium connectivity test
ℹ️ Monitor aggregation detected, will skip some flow validation steps
✨ [k8s-cluster] Creating namespace for connectivity check...
📋 Test Report
✅ 69/69 tests successful (0 warnings)
The connectivity test may fail to deploy due to too many open files in one
or more of the pods. If you notice this error, you can increase the
resource limits on your host machine (see
Pod errors due to “too many open files”).
Congratulations! You have a fully functional Kubernetes cluster with Cilium. 🎉
You can monitor as Cilium and all required components are being installed:
$ kubectl -n kube-system get pods --watch
cilium-operator-cb4578bc5-q52qk 0/1 Pending 0 8s
cilium-s8w5m 0/1 PodInitializing 0 7s
coredns-86c58d9df4-4g7dd 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 8m57s
coredns-86c58d9df4-4l6b2 0/1 ContainerCreating 0 8m57s
It may take a couple of minutes for all components to come up:
cilium-operator-cb4578bc5-q52qk 1/1 Running 0 4m13s
cilium-s8w5m 1/1 Running 0 4m12s
coredns-86c58d9df4-4g7dd 1/1 Running 0 13m
coredns-86c58d9df4-4l6b2 1/1 Running 0 13m
You can deploy the “connectivity-check” to test connectivity between pods. It is recommended to create a separate namespace for this.
kubectl create ns cilium-test
Deploy the check with:
kubectl apply -n cilium-test -f
It will deploy a series of deployments which will use various connectivity paths to connect to each other. Connectivity paths include with and without service load-balancing and various network policy combinations. The pod name indicates the connectivity variant and the readiness and liveness gate indicates success or failure of the test:
$ kubectl get pods -n cilium-test
echo-a-76c5d9bd76-q8d99 1/1 Running 0 66s
echo-b-795c4b4f76-9wrrx 1/1 Running 0 66s
echo-b-host-6b7fc94b7c-xtsff 1/1 Running 0 66s
host-to-b-multi-node-clusterip-85476cd779-bpg4b 1/1 Running 0 66s
host-to-b-multi-node-headless-dc6c44cb5-8jdz8 1/1 Running 0 65s
pod-to-a-79546bc469-rl2qq 1/1 Running 0 66s
pod-to-a-allowed-cnp-58b7f7fb8f-lkq7p 1/1 Running 0 66s
pod-to-a-denied-cnp-6967cb6f7f-7h9fn 1/1 Running 0 66s
pod-to-b-intra-node-nodeport-9b487cf89-6ptrt 1/1 Running 0 65s
pod-to-b-multi-node-clusterip-7db5dfdcf7-jkjpw 1/1 Running 0 66s
pod-to-b-multi-node-headless-7d44b85d69-mtscc 1/1 Running 0 66s
pod-to-b-multi-node-nodeport-7ffc76db7c-rrw82 1/1 Running 0 65s
pod-to-external-1111-d56f47579-d79dz 1/1 Running 0 66s
pod-to-external-fqdn-allow-google-cnp-78986f4bcf-btjn7 1/1 Running 0 66s
If you deploy the connectivity check to a single node cluster, pods that check multi-node
functionalities will remain in the Pending
state. This is expected since these pods
need at least 2 nodes to be scheduled successfully.
Once done with the test, remove the cilium-test
kubectl delete ns cilium-test
Delegated Azure IPAM
Delegated Azure IPAM (IP Address Manager) manages the IP allocation for pods created in Azure CNI Powered by Cilium clusters. It assigns IPs that are routable in Azure Virtual Network stack. To know more about the Delegated Azure IPAM, see Azure Delegated IPAM.