Integration with Istio

This page helps you get started using Istio with a Cilium-enabled Kubernetes cluster. This document covers the following common aspects of Cilium’s integration with Istio:

  • Cilium configuration

  • Istio configuration

  • Demo application

Cilium Configuration

The main goal of Cilium configuration is to ensure that traffic redirected to Istio’s sidecar proxies is not disrupted. Disruptions can happen when you enable Cilium’s kubeProxyReplacement feature (see Kubernetes Without kube-proxy docs), which enables socket based load balancing inside a Pod.

To ensure that Cilium does not interfere with Istio, Cilium must be deployed with the --config bpf-lb-sock-hostns-only=true cilium CLI flag or with the socketLB.hostNamespaceOnly Helm value. You can confirm the result with the following command:

$ kubectl get configmaps -n kube-system cilium-config -oyaml | grep bpf-lb-sock-hostns
bpf-lb-sock-hostns-only: "true"

Istio configuration

When you deploy Istio, be aware of:

  • The new experimental ambient mesh data plane is not supported, as it interferes with the Cilium data plane.

  • mTLS mode STRICT or PERMISSIVE (default) are not compatible with Cilium HTTP network policy. To use an HTTP-based network policy (for example, Layer 7 Examples), you must configure mtls.mode=DISABLE under Istio’s PeerAuthentication.

  • When using Kubernetes admission webhooks to inject sidecar proxies together with Cilium overlay mode (VXLAN or GENEVE), istiod pods must be running with hostNetwork: true in order to be reachable by the API server.

Demo Application

The following guide demonstrates the interaction between Istio’s mTLS mode and Cilium network policies, including the caveat described in the Istio configuration section.


  • Istio is already installed on the local Kubernetes cluster.

  • Cilium is already installed with the socketLB.hostNamespaceOnly Helm value.

  • Istio’s istioctl is installed on the local host.

Start by deploying a set of web servers and client applications across three different namespaces:

kubectl create ns red
kubectl -n red apply -f <(curl -s | istioctl kube-inject -f -)
kubectl -n red apply -f <(curl -s | istioctl kube-inject -f -)
kubectl create ns blue
kubectl -n blue apply -f <(curl -s | istioctl kube-inject -f -)
kubectl -n blue apply -f <(curl -s | istioctl kube-inject -f -)
kubectl create ns green
kubectl -n green apply -f

By default, Istio works in PERMISSIVE mode, allowing both Istio-managed and Pods without sidecars to send and receive traffic between each other. You can test the connectivity between client and server applications deployed in the preceding example by entering the following commands:

kubectl exec -n red deploy/netshoot -- curl -s -o /dev/null -m 1 -w "client 'red' to server 'red': %{http_code}\n"
kubectl exec -n blue deploy/netshoot -- curl -s -o /dev/null -m 1 -w "client 'blue' to server 'red': %{http_code}\n"
kubectl exec -n green deploy/netshoot -- curl -s -o /dev/null -m 1 -w "client 'green' to server 'red': %{http_code}\n"
kubectl exec -n red deploy/netshoot -- curl -s -o /dev/null -m 1 -w "client 'red' to server 'blue': %{http_code}\n"
kubectl exec -n blue deploy/netshoot -- curl -s -o /dev/null -m 1 -w "client 'blue' to server 'blue': %{http_code}\n"
kubectl exec -n green deploy/netshoot -- curl -s -o /dev/null -m 1 -w "client 'green' to server 'blue': %{http_code}\n"

All commands should complete successfully:

client 'red' to server 'red': 200
client 'blue' to server 'red': 200
client 'green' to server 'red': 200
client 'red' to server 'blue': 200
client 'blue' to server 'blue': 200
client 'green' to server 'blue': 200

You can apply network policies to restrict communication between namespaces. The following command applies an L4 network policy that restricts communication in the blue namespace to clients located only in blue and red namespaces.

kubectl -n blue apply -f

Re-run the same connectivity checks to confirm the expected result:

client 'red' to server 'red': 200
client 'blue' to server 'red': 200
client 'green' to server 'red': 200
client 'red' to server 'blue': 200
client 'blue' to server 'blue': 200
client 'green' to server 'blue': 000
command terminated with exit code 28

You can then decide to enhance the same network policy to perform additional HTTP-based checks. The following command applies the L7 network policy allowing communication only with the /ip URL path:

kubectl -n blue apply -f

At this point, all communication with the blue namespace is broken since the Cilium proxy (HTTP) interferes with Istio’s mTLS-based HTTPs connections:

client 'red' to server 'red': 200
client 'blue' to server 'red': 200
client 'green' to server 'red': 200
client 'red' to server 'blue': 503
client 'blue' to server 'blue': 503
client 'green' to server 'blue': 000
command terminated with exit code 28

To solve the problem, you can disable Istio’s mTLS authentication by configuring a new policy:

kind: PeerAuthentication
  name: default
    mode: DISABLE

You must apply this policy to the same namespace where you implement the HTTP-based network policy:

kubectl -n blue apply -f

Re-run a connectivity check to confirm that communication with the blue namespaces has been restored. You can verify that Cilium is enforcing the L7 network policy by accessing a different URL path, for example /deny:

$ kubectl exec -n red deploy/netshoot -- curl -s -o /dev/null -m 1 -w "client 'red' to server 'blue': %{http_code}\n"
client 'red' to server 'blue': 403