cilium-agent hive
Inspect the hive
cilium-agent hive [flags]
--agent-liveness-update-interval duration Interval at which the agent updates liveness time for the datapath (default 1s)
--api-rate-limit string API rate limiting configuration (example: --api-rate-limit endpoint-create=rate-limit:10/m,rate-burst:2)
--bpf-lb-maglev-hash-seed string Maglev cluster-wide hash seed (base64 encoded) (default "JLfvgnHc2kaSUFaI")
--bpf-lb-maglev-table-size uint Maglev per service backend table size (parameter M, one of: [251 509 1021 2039 4093 8191 16381 32749 65521 131071]) (default 16381)
--bpf-node-map-max uint32 Sets size of node bpf map which will be the max number of unique Node IPs in the cluster (default 16384)
--certificates-directory string Root directory to find certificates specified in L7 TLS policy enforcement (default "/var/run/cilium/certs")
--cluster-id uint32 Unique identifier of the cluster
--cluster-name string Name of the cluster. It must consist of at most 32 lower case alphanumeric characters and '-', start and end with an alphanumeric character. (default "default")
--clustermesh-config string Path to the ClusterMesh configuration directory
--clustermesh-sync-timeout duration Timeout waiting for the initial synchronization of information from remote clusters (default 1m0s)
--cni-chaining-mode string Enable CNI chaining with the specified plugin (default "none")
--cni-chaining-target string CNI network name into which to insert the Cilium chained configuration. Use '*' to select any network.
--cni-exclusive Whether to remove other CNI configurations
--cni-external-routing Whether the chained CNI plugin handles routing on the node
--cni-log-file string Path where the CNI plugin should write logs (default "/var/run/cilium/cilium-cni.log")
--controller-group-metrics strings List of controller group names for which to to enable metrics. Accepts 'all' and 'none'. The set of controller group names available is not guaranteed to be stable between Cilium versions.
--devices strings List of devices facing cluster/external network (used for BPF NodePort, BPF masquerading and host firewall); supports '+' as wildcard in device name, e.g. 'eth+'
--direct-routing-device string Device name used to connect nodes in direct routing mode (used by BPF NodePort, BPF host routing; if empty, automatically set to a device with k8s InternalIP/ExternalIP or with a default route)
--disable-envoy-version-check Do not perform Envoy version check
--disable-iptables-feeder-rules strings Chains to ignore when installing feeder rules.
--dynamic-lifecycle-config string List of dynamic lifecycle features and their configuration including the dependencies (default "[]")
--egress-gateway-policy-map-max int Maximum number of entries in egress gateway policy map (default 16384)
--egress-gateway-reconciliation-trigger-interval duration Time between triggers of egress gateway state reconciliations (default 1s)
--enable-active-connection-tracking Count open and active connections to services, grouped by zones defined in fixed-zone-mapping.
--enable-bandwidth-manager Enable BPF bandwidth manager
--enable-bbr Enable BBR for the bandwidth manager
--enable-cilium-api-server-access strings List of cilium API APIs which are administratively enabled. Supports '*'. (default [*])
--enable-cilium-health-api-server-access strings List of cilium health API APIs which are administratively enabled. Supports '*'. (default [*])
--enable-drift-checker Enables support for config drift checker
--enable-dynamic-config Enables support for dynamic agent config
--enable-dynamic-lifecycle-manager Enables support for dynamic lifecycle management
--enable-gateway-api Enables Envoy secret sync for Gateway API related TLS secrets
--enable-hubble Enable hubble server (default true)
--enable-hubble-open-metrics Enable exporting hubble metrics in OpenMetrics format
--enable-hubble-recorder-api Enable the Hubble recorder API (default true)
--enable-ingress-controller Enables Envoy secret sync for Ingress controller related TLS secrets
--enable-ipv4-big-tcp Enable IPv4 BIG TCP option which increases device's maximum GRO/GSO limits for IPv4
--enable-ipv6-big-tcp Enable IPv6 BIG TCP option which increases device's maximum GRO/GSO limits for IPv6
--enable-k8s Enable the k8s clientset (default true)
--enable-k8s-api-discovery Enable discovery of Kubernetes API groups and resources with the discovery API
--enable-k8s-endpoint-slice Enables k8s EndpointSlice feature in Cilium if the k8s cluster supports it (default true)
--enable-l2-pod-announcements Enable announcing Pod IPs with Gratuitous ARP
--enable-monitor Enable the monitor unix domain socket server (default true)
--enable-policy-secrets-sync Enables Envoy secret sync for Secrets used in CiliumNetworkPolicy and CiliumClusterwideNetworkPolicy
--enable-route-mtu-for-cni-chaining Enable route MTU for pod netns when CNI chaining is used
--enable-service-topology Enable support for service topology aware hints
--enable-xt-socket-fallback Enable fallback for missing xt_socket module (default true)
--endpoint-bpf-prog-watchdog-interval duration Interval to trigger endpoint BPF programs load check watchdog (default 30s)
--endpoint-regen-interval duration Periodically recalculate and re-apply endpoint configuration. Set to 0 to disable (default 2m0s)
--envoy-access-log-buffer-size uint Envoy access log buffer size in bytes (default 4096)
--envoy-base-id uint Envoy base ID
--envoy-config-retry-interval duration Interval in which an attempt is made to reconcile failed EnvoyConfigs. If the duration is zero, the retry is deactivated. (default 15s)
--envoy-config-timeout duration Timeout that determines how long to wait for Envoy to N/ACK CiliumEnvoyConfig resources (default 2m0s)
--envoy-default-log-level string Default log level of Envoy application log that is configured if Cilium debug / verbose logging isn't enabled. If not defined, the default log level of the Cilium Agent is used.
--envoy-keep-cap-netbindservice Keep capability NET_BIND_SERVICE for Envoy process
--envoy-log string Path to a separate Envoy log file, if any
--envoy-secrets-namespace string EnvoySecretsNamespace is the namespace having secrets used by CEC
--force-device-detection Forces the auto-detection of devices, even if specific devices are explicitly listed
--gateway-api-secrets-namespace string GatewayAPISecretsNamespace is the namespace having tls secrets used by CEC, originating from Gateway API
--gops-port uint16 Port for gops server to listen on (default 9890)
-h, --help help for hive
--http-idle-timeout uint Time after which a non-gRPC HTTP stream is considered failed unless traffic in the stream has been processed (in seconds); defaults to 0 (unlimited)
--http-max-grpc-timeout uint Time after which a forwarded gRPC request is considered failed unless completed (in seconds). A "grpc-timeout" header may override this with a shorter value; defaults to 0 (unlimited)
--http-normalize-path Use Envoy HTTP path normalization options, which currently includes RFC 3986 path normalization, Envoy merge slashes option, and unescaping and redirecting for paths that contain escaped slashes. These are necessary to keep path based access control functional, and should not interfere with normal operation. Set this to false only with caution. (default true)
--http-request-timeout uint Time after which a forwarded HTTP request is considered failed unless completed (in seconds); Use 0 for unlimited (default 3600)
--http-retry-count uint Number of retries performed after a forwarded request attempt fails (default 3)
--http-retry-timeout uint Time after which a forwarded but uncompleted request is retried (connection failures are retried immediately); defaults to 0 (never)
--hubble-disable-tls Allow Hubble server to run on the given listen address without TLS.
--hubble-drop-events Emit packet drop Events related to pods (alpha)
--hubble-drop-events-interval duration Minimum time between emitting same events (default 2m0s)
--hubble-drop-events-reasons strings Drop reasons to emit events for (default [auth_required,policy_denied])
--hubble-dynamic-metrics-config-path string Filepath with dynamic configuration of hubble metrics
--hubble-event-buffer-capacity int Capacity of Hubble events buffer. The provided value must be one less than an integer power of two and no larger than 65535 (ie: 1, 3, ..., 2047, 4095, ..., 65535) (default 4095)
--hubble-event-queue-size int Buffer size of the channel to receive monitor events.
--hubble-export-allowlist string Specify allowlist as JSON encoded FlowFilters to Hubble exporter.
--hubble-export-denylist string Specify denylist as JSON encoded FlowFilters to Hubble exporter.
--hubble-export-fieldmask strings Specify list of fields to use for field mask in Hubble exporter.
--hubble-export-file-compress Compress rotated Hubble export files.
--hubble-export-file-max-backups int Number of rotated Hubble export files to keep. (default 5)
--hubble-export-file-max-size-mb int Size in MB at which to rotate Hubble export file. (default 10)
--hubble-export-file-path stdout Filepath to write Hubble events to. By specifying stdout the flows are logged instead of written to a rotated file.
--hubble-flowlogs-config-path string Filepath with configuration of hubble flowlogs
--hubble-listen-address string An additional address for Hubble server to listen to, e.g. ":4244"
--hubble-metrics string List of Hubble metrics to enable.
--hubble-metrics-server string Address to serve Hubble metrics on.
--hubble-metrics-server-enable-tls Run the Hubble metrics server on the given listen address with TLS.
--hubble-metrics-server-tls-cert-file string Path to the public key file for the Hubble metrics server. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
--hubble-metrics-server-tls-client-ca-files strings Paths to one or more public key files of client CA certificates to use for TLS with mutual authentication (mTLS). The files must contain PEM encoded data. When provided, this option effectively enables mTLS.
--hubble-metrics-server-tls-key-file string Path to the private key file for the Hubble metrics server. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
--hubble-monitor-events strings Cilium monitor events for Hubble to observe: [drop debug capture trace policy-verdict recorder trace-sock l7 agent]. By default, Hubble observes all monitor events.
--hubble-prefer-ipv6 Prefer IPv6 addresses for announcing nodes when both address types are available.
--hubble-recorder-sink-queue-size int Queue size of each Hubble recorder sink (default 1024)
--hubble-recorder-storage-path string Directory in which pcap files created via the Hubble Recorder API are stored (default "/var/run/cilium/pcaps")
--hubble-redact-enabled Hubble redact sensitive information from flows
--hubble-redact-http-headers-allow strings HTTP headers to keep visible in flows
--hubble-redact-http-headers-deny strings HTTP headers to redact from flows
--hubble-redact-http-urlquery Hubble redact http URL query from flows
--hubble-redact-http-userinfo Hubble redact http user info from flows (default true)
--hubble-redact-kafka-apikey Hubble redact Kafka API key from flows
--hubble-skip-unknown-cgroup-ids Skip Hubble events with unknown cgroup ids (default true)
--hubble-socket-path string Set hubble's socket path to listen for connections (default "/var/run/cilium/hubble.sock")
--hubble-tls-cert-file string Path to the public key file for the Hubble server. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
--hubble-tls-client-ca-files strings Paths to one or more public key files of client CA certificates to use for TLS with mutual authentication (mTLS). The files must contain PEM encoded data. When provided, this option effectively enables mTLS.
--hubble-tls-key-file string Path to the private key file for the Hubble server. The file must contain PEM encoded data.
--ignore-flags-drift-checker strings Ignores specified flags during drift checking
--ingress-secrets-namespace string IngressSecretsNamespace is the namespace having tls secrets used by CEC, originating from Ingress controller
--iptables-lock-timeout duration Time to pass to each iptables invocation to wait for xtables lock acquisition (default 5s)
--iptables-random-fully Set iptables flag random-fully on masquerading rules
--k8s-api-server string Kubernetes API server URL
--k8s-client-burst int Burst value allowed for the K8s client (default 20)
--k8s-client-connection-keep-alive duration Configures the keep alive duration of K8s client connections. K8 client is disabled if the value is set to 0 (default 30s)
--k8s-client-connection-timeout duration Configures the timeout of K8s client connections. K8s client is disabled if the value is set to 0 (default 30s)
--k8s-client-qps float32 Queries per second limit for the K8s client (default 10)
--k8s-heartbeat-timeout duration Configures the timeout for api-server heartbeat, set to 0 to disable (default 30s)
--k8s-kubeconfig-path string Absolute path of the kubernetes kubeconfig file
--k8s-service-proxy-name string Value of K8s service-proxy-name label for which Cilium handles the services (empty = all services without label)
--l2-pod-announcements-interface string Interface used for sending gratuitous arp messages
--max-connected-clusters uint32 Maximum number of clusters to be connected in a clustermesh. Increasing this value will reduce the maximum number of identities available. Valid configurations are [255, 511]. (default 255)
--mesh-auth-enabled Enable authentication processing & garbage collection (beta) (default true)
--mesh-auth-gc-interval duration Interval in which auth entries are attempted to be garbage collected (default 5m0s)
--mesh-auth-mutual-connect-timeout duration Timeout for connecting to the remote node TCP socket (default 5s)
--mesh-auth-mutual-listener-port int Port on which the Cilium Agent will perform mutual authentication handshakes between other Agents
--mesh-auth-queue-size int Queue size for the auth manager (default 1024)
--mesh-auth-rotated-identities-queue-size int The size of the queue for signaling rotated identities. (default 1024)
--mesh-auth-spiffe-trust-domain string The trust domain for the SPIFFE identity. (default "spiffe.cilium")
--mesh-auth-spire-admin-socket string The path for the SPIRE admin agent Unix socket.
--metrics strings Metrics that should be enabled or disabled from the default metric list. (+metric_foo to enable metric_foo, -metric_bar to disable metric_bar)
--monitor-queue-size int Size of the event queue when reading monitor events
--multicast-enabled Enables multicast in Cilium
--nat-map-stats-entries int Number k top stats entries to store locally in statedb (default 32)
--nat-map-stats-interval duration Interval upon which nat maps are iterated for stats (default 30s)
--nodeport-addresses strings A whitelist of CIDRs to limit which IPs are used for NodePort. If not set, primary IPv4 and/or IPv6 address of each native device is used.
--policy-queue-size uint Size of queue for policy-related events (default 100)
--policy-secrets-namespace string PolicySecretsNamesapce is the namespace having secrets used in CNP and CCNP
--policy-secrets-only-from-secrets-namespace Configures the agent to only read policy Secrets from the policy-secrets-namespace
--pprof Enable serving pprof debugging API
--pprof-address string Address that pprof listens on (default "localhost")
--pprof-port uint16 Port that pprof listens on (default 6060)
--prepend-iptables-chains Prepend custom iptables chains instead of appending (default true)
--procfs string Path to the host's proc filesystem mount (default "/proc")
--prometheus-serve-addr string IP:Port on which to serve prometheus metrics (pass ":Port" to bind on all interfaces, "" is off)
--proxy-admin-port int Port to serve Envoy admin interface on.
--proxy-connect-timeout uint Time after which a TCP connect attempt is considered failed unless completed (in seconds) (default 2)
--proxy-gid uint Group ID for proxy control plane sockets. (default 1337)
--proxy-idle-timeout-seconds int Set Envoy upstream HTTP idle connection timeout seconds. Does not apply to connections with pending requests. Default 60s (default 60)
--proxy-initial-fetch-timeout uint Time after which an xDS stream is considered timed out (in seconds) (default 30)
--proxy-max-concurrent-retries uint32 Maximum number of concurrent retries on Envoy clusters (default 128)
--proxy-max-connection-duration-seconds int Set Envoy HTTP option max_connection_duration seconds. Default 0 (disable)
--proxy-max-requests-per-connection int Set Envoy HTTP option max_requests_per_connection. Default 0 (disable)
--proxy-portrange-max uint16 End of port range that is used to allocate ports for L7 proxies. (default 20000)
--proxy-portrange-min uint16 Start of port range that is used to allocate ports for L7 proxies. (default 10000)
--proxy-prometheus-port int Port to serve Envoy metrics on. Default 0 (disabled).
--proxy-xff-num-trusted-hops-egress uint32 Number of trusted hops regarding the x-forwarded-for and related HTTP headers for the egress L7 policy enforcement Envoy listeners.
--proxy-xff-num-trusted-hops-ingress uint32 Number of trusted hops regarding the x-forwarded-for and related HTTP headers for the ingress L7 policy enforcement Envoy listeners.
--read-cni-conf string CNI configuration file to use as a source for --write-cni-conf-when-ready. If not supplied, a suitable one will be generated.
--restored-proxy-ports-age-limit uint Time after which a restored proxy ports file is considered stale (in minutes) (default 15)
--static-cnp-path string Directory path to watch and load static cilium network policy yaml files.
--tunnel-port uint16 Tunnel port (default 8472 for "vxlan" and 6081 for "geneve")
--tunnel-protocol string Encapsulation protocol to use for the overlay ("vxlan" or "geneve") (default "vxlan")
--use-full-tls-context If enabled, persist ca.crt keys into the Envoy config even in a terminatingTLS block on an L7 Cilium Policy. This is to enable compatibility with previously buggy behaviour. This flag is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
--write-cni-conf-when-ready string Write the CNI configuration to the specified path when agent is ready
cilium-agent - Run the cilium agent
cilium-agent hive dot-graph - Output the dependencies graph in graphviz dot format