cilium-dbg service update

Update a service

cilium-dbg service update [flags]


      --backend-weights uints           Backend weights (100 default, 0 means maintenance state, only for maglev mode) (default [])
      --backends strings                Backend address or addresses (<IP:Port>)
      --frontend string                 Frontend address
  -h, --help                            help for update
      --id uint                         Identifier
      --k8s-cluster-internal            Set service as cluster-internal for externalTrafficPolicy=Local xor internalTrafficPolicy=Local
      --k8s-ext-traffic-policy string   Set service with k8s externalTrafficPolicy as {Local,Cluster} (default "Cluster")
      --k8s-external                    Set service as a k8s ExternalIPs
      --k8s-host-port                   Set service as a k8s HostPort
      --k8s-int-traffic-policy string   Set service with k8s internalTrafficPolicy as {Local,Cluster} (default "Cluster")
      --k8s-load-balancer               Set service as a k8s LoadBalancer
      --k8s-node-port                   Set service as a k8s NodePort
      --local-redirect                  Set service as Local Redirect
      --protocol string                 Protocol for service (e.g. TCP, UDP) (default "tcp")
      --states strings                  Backend state(s) as {active(default),terminating,quarantined,maintenance}

Options inherited from parent commands

      --config string        Config file (default is $HOME/.cilium.yaml)
  -D, --debug                Enable debug messages
  -H, --host string          URI to server-side API
      --log-driver strings   Logging endpoints to use (example: syslog)
      --log-opt map          Log driver options (example: format=json)